Monday, September 24, 2012

Summer of Firsts: Part 3 (We have some fishies in the family!)

After returning from a long trip to Canada, we finally started to get back in the groove and rhythm of being home again. Don would take Denis, Amelie, (and sometimes Arianna) to the pool each night after dinner. Both Denis and Amelie LOVE the pool, but when Papa would ask: "Qui veux aller a la piscine? " (who would like to go to the pool?) Amelie would always reply with a resounding, "MOI!!!!" Amélie shows NO FEAR in the water--she always acted as if she already knew how to swim--flopping around and jumping in the water with as much confidence as anyone could have--even as she was sinking under the water as she was trying to swim, she would have a huge smile on her face, showing how much she loves the water. Well, finally, one day in August (not sure the exact date) Amelie started swimming on her own!!! She is so proud of herself. She even jumps in the water and doesn't mind going right underneath. Only 3 1/2 and swimming on her own!!! We are so proud of her. Denis also improved on his swimming this summer. He started swimming by himself last summer, but he really got the hang of it this year. He is finally confident enough to swim in the deep end and jump in the water in all different directions!
Hooray for my little swimmers!

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