Monday, September 24, 2012

My boy turns 6!!!!

Wow, I can't even believe it as I write the title of this post. My little Denis Stephen turned 6 yesterday. What?? Where has the time gone?? He has grown so much. He is such a smart little boy! He is so excited about everything around him. Especially STAR WARS! And, this year, it's Star Wars LEGO video game that is his favorite. So, for his birthday theme, we chose the star wars lego theme. The party was  a lot of fun as you can see from the pictures. One thing that the kids really enjoyed was the relay of who could save Han Solo from the carbonite first! (a mini Han Solo figure frozen in a block of ice).  Also, the boys loved the light saber pool noodles--but almost a little too much! They were clobbering eachother with them for the second half of the party. OOPS! Here are some pictures from the fun day:

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